Thursday, January 31, 2013

Post Surgery

Well it has been almost 2 weeks post surgery now. What a crazy two weeks it has been. Adley refused to sleep through the night or sleep in her crib for that matter until two days ago. So this by far has been the biggest struggle we have had since surgery.

But lets talk about surgery. I did not sleep the night before of course I already knew I wouldn't. I wish I would have because by the time I got home the day of I was absolutely exhausted. Adley did great during waiting I was expecting her to be super fussy since she could not eat but all the new people and new places kept her entertained. At 630 they called us back, they got her in her little hospital gown and weighed her. We watched some Curios George in the room, the nurse came in and checked her out then anesthesiologist came in as well. Then the she was laughing and smiling at all of them, so they had a little fight over who gets to carry her back. That is when the water works started for me, I immediately started crying when they got the blanket to come wrap her up and carry her off. They had told us to expect 4 to 5 hours of her being back there so I was surprised to see Dr. T walk in the waiting area just after 2 1/2 hours of her being back there. He said everything went perfectly. I was so excited to get back there and see her, when we went back she was still really out of it they had her laying on her tummy, and she was kinda of making nosies it was a little heart breaking but she looked great. I knew Dr. T was awesome but it is still amazing to the work he does and how amazing it turned out. We were in recovery maybe 20-30 min when they packed us up an said we were ready to go. Adley slept all the way home, but as soon as we got home she woke up in pain. (we had a little issue getting the pain meds since they didn't give us a script until we left.) Next time I will have it called in the day before and go get it. So after I got her meds and finally got her calm we had a good afternoon  though she did not eat very much she did not seem to be in a lot of pain. She had 2 ounces of apple juice at the hosptial and maybe two more by the end of that night. The next day she would drink but she would only drink apple juice. So I started mixing apple pedialite in with her formula or breastmilk kind of tricked her into eating. We did this for 5 days and then finally she would take her milk without the pedialite mixed in it. The thursday after surgery we realized Adley had pushed out some stitches in her lip and it kind of split in the middle. So we went to Dr. T that day and he says it happens often, that it is hard to keep babies from playing with the stitches with their tongue. That it should start to look better when the lip drops more, if it does not he will put a few stitches in it at palate repair. No big deal, and he cleaned out her nostrils while we were there because I was way to chicken to do it myself. She has one little bitty stitch sticking out of her nose and it has drove me crazy ready for it to dissolve. He said everything was healing great and he would see us in a month!

Other notes... I would order better No No's than what the hospital gives you. These are terrible and adley can get them off in a few min if i am not watching her. She is not a big fan but we are almost done with them so that is great!!! I think there is a few sights such as

So here are all of her pictures starting with the recovery room on... they are pretty much in order.

She could get her No No's off and she would try to eat them... 

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