Monday, January 7, 2013

Finding the Cleft

Well I have never blogged before and I have thought about doing this since our sweet girl was born so here it goes.

Jason and I had been trying to have a baby for almost a year. When I finally started my first round of Clomid (a fertility medicine) we immediately fell pregnant on our first round!
 I found out on January 9th we were officially 3 weeks pregnant.
 On March 8th we got the results of the Blood Test to find out the sex of the baby and we were having a Girl.
 Her name would be Adley Elizabeth! 
May 8th we went for our 20 weeks scan, though we never got to see her face because she had her hands in the way!!! When we left the doctor said she wanted to look at her next time to just because she would never move her hands.
Well 4 weeks later we are off to the doctor. My grandmother was with me this time. It was the first appointment my husband had missed he had a meeting at work that day. 
As I lay on the table I am so excited I get to see my sweet little angel again. I love ultrasounds. The doctor is looking and looking and finally she looked at me and explained that she is about 90% Sure that Adley would have a cleft lip. I dont think it really registered with me until I sat up. When I sat up on the table I lost it. I remember how am I every going to walk out of this room and keep it all together until I get to the truck. How am I going to tell my husband? What do I tell him? How do I tell my family? What if she was wrong and that 10% was going to be us? What does this mean? Where do we go? Is she going to be made fun of?......
The thoughts and questions running through my mind at 100mph was craziness. I had planned to spend the rest of the day with my grandma and soon realized I would not be able to do anything else for the rest of the day. I was overcome with emotion. 
When I got in the car I called to tell my husband what the doctor had said. He didn't take the news well either a million thoughts went running through his head as well, and I didn't have the answer to them. So his brave soul immediately turned to google. DO NOT DO THIS.... It was terrible the things people say and the things you see will make you crazy. 
I was waiting to make and appointment with the maternal fetal medicine doctor to do a 3D scan and find out for sure. That is when I finally started searching the web for questions to ask, and things to prepare for. This is when I came across the Cleft page on Baby Center! What a great Forum, these ladies are the best support team anyone could ask for.  Then we met with the maternal fetal medicine doctor and the 3D scan confirmed our sweet girl did have a bilateral cleft lip and she was 90% sure it would involve the palate as well...
So next step is finding a cleft team. 

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